Transform BT
Actionable steps to enhance mobility for everyone in our community.
In January, 2023, Bloomington Transit (BT) concluded a strategic planning process and adopted a long-range framework for improving local public transportation - Transform BT. The plan charts an ambitious course for the future: to provide attractive mobility options for everyone in the community, and to be a model for what small cities may accomplish through widely accessible public transportation.
BT is already making strides to achieve the actionable steps defined in Transform BT. Heading into 2024, the agency has begun to modernize its technology that will enable new methods of service delivery and improve convenience for riders of BT fixed routes and BT Access paratransit service. An in-depth study is underway to analyze the feasibility of transforming 3rd Street into a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor, linking vital destinations in Bloomington and beyond.
To transform local public transportation, BT relies on the continued engagement of community stakeholders— frequent riders, aspirational riders, business owners, policymakers — all those who have an interest in sustainable, affordable transportation options for everyone.