Green Line Corridor Study
Bloomington Transit is studying the development of a new East-West transit corridor that would provide frequent bus service to a defined corridor providing connections to downtown Bloomington and Indiana University as well as local businesses and housing.
About the Project
As Bloomington grows, so too has the need for sustainable, affordable transportation options.
Bloomington Transit, in partnership with Foursquare ITP is studying the feasibility of a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor spanning east-west across the city, primarily on 3rd Street. Such a transit corridor would connect vital destinations utilizing high-frequency service, enhanced stations, and advanced vehicles.
Results of the BRT feasibility study are expected in late 2024. Focus areas of the study include:
Current and projected ridership demands
Priority locations for enhanced stations
Recommendations for complementary infrastructure
Connections between BRT corridor and existing transit network
Project cost estimates
The BRT project is made possible through support from the City of Bloomington, and additional funding enabled through increased local income tax (LIT) revenue leveraged for federal grant programs.
Explore the Study Area
The study area encompasses approximately one mile to the north and south of 3rd Street, from Ivy Tech in the west to just east of State Road 446.
The study area includes:
Park 48 Campus (Ivy Tech, Cook Medical)
Downtown Bloomington
Indiana University
College Mall
Westside Shopping Centers
High-density housing complexes along E 3rd St
Initial Concept Design
Explore potential Green Line service details, routing options, and station locations.